热烈祝贺我院高志副教授在《Journal of Banking & Finance》上发表论文


 近日,我院教师高志副教授(通讯作者)与合作者的论文《China's no-bailout reform: Impact on bond yields and rating standards》在金融学国际重要期刊Journal of Banking & Finance》第1332021)上发表。《Journal of Banking & Finance》影响因子3.070,在2021SSCI分区中属于Q1,是AJGABS)三星期刊,也是我校校定A级期刊。该论文的发表,有助于提升我院科学研究和学科建设水平。

  AbstractThe Chinese government broke its long-standing practice of bond bailouts in March 2014. The number and value of bond defaults increased substantially in the following years. We investigate bond defaults in China from 2014 to 2019 and examine the impact of no-bailout reform. We find significantly higher yield spreads on lower-rated bonds over AAA bonds after the policy change. Furthermore, we document much lower default rates for SOE bonds than non-SOE bonds and an increased funding advantage of SOEs after March 2014. Surprisingly, credit rating agencies loosened rating standards in response to the policy change, suggesting their caving into issuer demands for higher ratings.





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